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Hey penguins, welcome to Joe18916's Club Penguin Cheats!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Costumes coming in an upcoming catolog

Greetings everyone!

Thanks for all the nice comments about Ultimate Jam. We're glad to hear that so many of you love the party!

Meanwhile, the team's been working on some new costume ideas, and we'd love your help! Would you help us decide which item you'd like to see in an upcoming catalog? Take a look at these three concepts and vote for which one you'd like to see in the future.

You can vote for your favorites in this week's Poll. Be sure to let us know what you like best about the one you picked! ;)

Waddle On!


  1. First of all, those costumes wont be for the Fruit Party. How could they be?? Second, I would choose the pizza costume.

  2. i kenw ppl would choose the pizza costume and yes im sorry for the mistake its coming in a upcoming catolog in the future
