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Hey penguins, welcome to Joe18916's Club Penguin Cheats!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New year!

Hey guys joe18916 here 4 minutes after the new year! I want to wish you all a happy new year! I'd like to give a new year shout out to my friends Bob6812,harry270,ice Zaa,chatty3969,david4525,waddles887,and there's more I'd like to mention but I'm sorry I have to go to bed! -joe18916(written on my iPod)

New blog look

I'll bet you all have noticed that we have ENTIRELY re-decorated the blog for new years! And I can tell You like it due to the fact that we have been getting RECORD hits lately! What do you think? Tell us what you want to be done to the blog in the comments!

Happy New Year from Bob6812cp!

Hey Penguins! I wanna wish you a Happy New Year! And Bob6812cp does too! Heres a pic for the New Year that Bob6812cp made!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Ice Zaa's New Years Eve Party

Your Invited!
You have all been invited to a smashing new years eve party that Ice Zaa will be hosting

This party will take place on:

Server: Hockey
Room:Ice Berg
Time:2:00 PST (Penguin Standard Time)

again this party will be hosted by Ice Zaa
If you do not know PST time check the club Penguin clock - Ice Zaa

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New years coming

Get ready penguins because say "Goodbye" to 2011 and hello to 2012 because I am throwing a huge party on new years eve or new years day. I don't know when but this is going to be a MAJOR party so, waddle on 

- Ice Zaa      
Hey guys David4525 here, the new field op is at Ski Hill

New EPF Message from Gary!

Hey Penguins! Today Gary sent us a new EPF message on our phones!

It says: Well done this year Agents. There were many challenges, but we faced them together. No matter what 2012 holds for us, I know we'll be ready.

New items coming?

Today I was logging into cp and then I saw one of the penguins on the homepage:
It looks like new glasses, swimsuit, shoes, and some air tank thing.  Will these be new items?


Today I wanted to switch my igloo because the contest was over and when i did my puffles were ON THE WALL!

Fireworks at Iceberg and Ski Hill!

There are Fireworks at the Ski Hill:
AND the Iceberg:

What was your best part of 2011??
Happy New Year Everyone!

New Pin Today!

Today there is a BRAND NEW PIN! Just go head over the Coffee Shop and collect it!
~ Bob6812

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cool party on cp

Fahima122 is having a really awesome birthday party at sleet! Currently at the cove and I encourage you to go!


Monday, December 26, 2011

Codes for all penguins

I have codes for all penguins
Here are the codes:




Try them and if you wanna leave a comment and thank me. Waddle On!!! - Ice Zaa

Treasure Book Glitch!

Hey Penguins! I was going to go look at the treasure book today and then I saw that the treasure book was gone! GLITCH!.......or is it??



Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011



Merry Christmas guys!

Hello penguins, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! I got the gift for today and it was pretty cool!

Waddle on to christmas penguins!


Friday, December 23, 2011

Joe18916's Youtube channel!!

Hey guys! Joe18916 here, just so you guys know I made a youtube account, and make comedy videos!
Heres my first comedies

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

More coins in the light house!

Hi Everyone

If you have been in the lighthouse recently you would of noticed that there are more coins! Check it out,

As you can see penguins have been donating a lot, another cool think in the lighthouse is that if you throw a snowball you throw a coin instead! If you also go to the top of the lighthouse the coins are on the steps, hopefully more penguis will donate and the coins will get higher!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ice Zaa beocmes good friends with Rockohpper and Aunt Arctic

I have become good friend with Rockhopper and Aunt Arctic here are some picutres and quotes

"She was speaking foren"

He was spakign foren but he said

More pictures coming soon - Ice Zaa

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas party pictures!

Hey guys! You saw harrys pictures but I have 11 more! Check them out!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures! If you felt left out, come to the next party!

Joe's Christmas Party Pictures!

Hi Everyone,

If you went to Joe's party you would of seen it was a great success! At one point he even had more than 10 penguins, at the start there were not many people but half way through we had tons of penguins! Here are some pictures of chat!

I hope whoever came to the party enjoyed it, I am very impressed because the blog has never had a Party so big as this. If you did not come this time I would suggest you go next time and hopefully it will be bigger and better!


Joe's Holiday Party TODAY!

Hey guys! You didn't forget about my party did you? Of course not! Well heres the invitation just in case!

Here are the details if you can't see the image above.
  • Date: Sunday, December 18th
  • Time: 1:00pm PST
  • Server: Tuxedo
  • Room: Lighthouse! (after a while we will move to dock or my igloo)
Here is a time chart for your country or time zone!
  • Club Penguin Standard Time: 1:00pm
  • Pacific Standard Time: 1:00pm
  • Eastern Standard Time: 4:00pm
  • Central Standard Time: 3:00pm
  • UK Standard Time: 9:00pm
  • Australian Standard Time: 6:00am (Tuesday)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Getting more Hits!

Hello Everyone,

If you have seen the bottom of the blog you will notice that we have a little hit counter and it has gone past the 3000 mark! I am sure that Joe and all the other authors are very happy, check out this picture!

Remember if you have friends or relatives who play Club Penguin make sure you tell them about this blog!


New gift from Advent Calendar!

Hi Everyone,

There is a new free hat from the advent calendar in the forest!

How to get a free CFC Cap

1. Go to the forest, you will see a massive advent calendar
2. Click on the 17 on the left, you will be asked if you want a CFC Cap
3. Click Yes

Until next time!


Club Penguin Cheats for Dec-Jan Better Igloo catalog!

Hi Everyone,

Here are the Club Penguin better igloo catalog cheats only for the Christmas items!

Snowman holly hat=Wooden Reindeer
Top of mountain=Holiday Tree
3rd Snowman's wooly hat=Leaning Tree
Bird on snowman's hat=Lamp post

Top of Cozy Fireplace=Holiday Lights
Coins For Change picture on Donation Station=Log Drawers
Holiday word=Holiday Tree Decoration
The coin on the stocking next to 50=Presents

Gingerbread Man's button=Candy Cane
Swirly word=Log Bench
Gumdrop Tree=Log Chair
Icing Decoration=Icicle Lights

I hope these helped you, by the way I will try to get the charts quicker next time!


New Pin!

Hi Everyone,

If you have been on Club Penguin and looked at the forest you will see there is a massive advent calendar if you have not seen it I would suggest you go and see it because everyday you get a free gift! Anyway the gift on the 16th you get a cool Candy Cane pin!

How to get the Candy Cane pin

1. Go to the forest and click on the 16th on the big advent calendar
2. You will be asked if you want the Candy Cane pin
3. Click yes



Hello guys! Just remember the party is tomorrow at 1:00 PM PST server tuxedo in the lighthouse!
So long penguins!


Club Penguin Christmas Party Cheats!

Hi Everyone,

The Christmas party on Club Penguin has been going for some time and I have not have anytime to post the cheats so sorry about that. Anyway here are the cheats!

To get a big bauble costume

1. Complete Santas sleigh by delivering all of the presents
2. Once you have an outfit will appear if you waddle up to it it will ask you if you want it
3. Click yes
Tip: You can get the costume in all different colours just do it again and again

How do get cooking apron

1. Go to the cooking bakery in the Dance lounge and go through the staff door there you will see the aprons waddle up to it and it will ask if you want it
2. Click Yes

I hope this helped!


Update: Club Penguin lag

Hello Everyone,

You may of remembered a few posts ago I was talking about the lag on Club Penguin and I said I would keep you updated. Well I have been on Club Penguin quite a lot recently and since the party has ended Club Penguin has got a lot faster! Luckily the Christmas party has not slowed down Club Penguin like the Card-Jitsu party. Comment below if you see anymore lag!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

12 Days of gifts has begun!

Hey penguins! the 12 days of gifts is here!

I also have planned a Christmas/Holiday Party on Sunday, December 18th!
1:00 PST-3:00PST
Server: Tuxedo!
And all of the authors!